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Sports Injury

Arbor Vitae Wellness

Chiropractic & Wellness Center located in Santa Monica, CA

Sports injuries can be emotional and daunting, and when left untreated pose the risk of increased symptoms and further health concerns. The team of Chiropractors, Naturopathic doctors, Acupuncturists, and massage therapists at Arbor Vitae Wellness Center in Santa Monica, California, is experienced in evaluating, treating, and preventing such injuries. To receive a sports injury consultation and begin your journey to recovery, call the office or request an appointment online today.

What are sports injuries?

Sports injuries are injuries developed during physical activity such as running, skiing, or football. Certain types of physical activity are prone to specific injuries. These injuries have the potential to occur unexpectedly or develop slowly over time. 

Common sports injuries include:

  • Joint sprains and strains
  • Knee injuries
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Concussions 
  • Shin splints
  • Injury to your Achilles tendon 
  • Swollen muscles

If left untreated, these injuries have the potential to cause further physical damage to your body. 

What are the symptoms of a sports injury?

Symptoms related to sports injuries include:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Inflammation
  • Burning 
  • Swelling
  • Headaches
  • Numbness 
  • Inability to put weight on an area
  • Chronic pain 
  • Sudden, sharp pain

If you have sustained these symptoms as a result of physical activity, it is important to consult a medical professional, as they are signs that an injury has occurred. 

What treatments are available for a sports injury?

Minor sports injuries can be treated with simple techniques such as:

  • Ice
  • Rest
  • Elevation
  • Compression 

However, injuries can continue to persist. Fortunately, the doctors at Arbor Vitae Wellness offer treatments to target the underlying cause of your sports injuries and ensure that you gain increased mobility, improved quality of life, and peak performance after being injured. 

Arbor Vitae Wellness offers treatments such as:

  • Physical therapy
  • Chiropractic care
  • Massage therapy
  • Acupuncture 

The team at Arbor Vitae Wellness determines the best treatment plan for you after your initial consultation.

What can I expect in a sports injury consultation?

The team at Arbor Vitae Wellness understands the emotional toll that sports injuries create. They aim to improve your physical performance, treat your sports injuries, and help you avoid developing other injuries in the future. 

Your initial consultation at Arbor Vitae Wellness involves reviewing your health and medical history and performing a physical examination to determine your needs. If needed, your doctor may also order x-rays to ensure the vertebrae are not in altered positions. 

Your doctor uses their findings to create an individualized treatment plan to ensure effective results. 

To receive a sports injury consultation and begin your journey to recovery at Arbor Vitae Wellness, call the office or request an appointment online today.